Here are our FAQ’s

How do I play real money-earning games?


To play real money-earning games, register with "Teenpatti Adda" app. Once registered, create an account, browse through the available games, and choose the one that piques your interest. Then, put your skills and strategies to the test, compete against other players, and stand a chance to win real money prizes. Teenpatti Adda offers a variety of skill-based games for you to enjoy while earning money. Get started today and turn your gaming passion into a lucrative endeavor!

Do I need a Facebook account to Play Games?


No, you do not need a Facebook account to play games on our platform. You can simply sign up directly on our app or website and start enjoying the games without the need for a Facebook account. We offer a hassle-free gaming experience for all users.

I am not receiving the OTP. Is phone number verification mandatory?


Yes, phone number verification is mandatory for several important reasons. It helps to ensure that the user is authentic and that there is a real person behind the account. This verification process is crucial, especially in real money games where real currency is involved. It adds a layer of security, prevents fraudulent activities, and helps maintain the integrity of the platform. By confirming the user's phone number, it becomes easier to track and verify the identity of the players, ensuring a fair and trustworthy gaming environment. It also helps in sending important information, updates, and OTPs for added security during transactions and account recovery processes.

Can I play one-on-one games with my friends?


We understand your desire to play with your friends, and we are actively striving to implement this feature in the near future. Presently, our platform hosts multiplayer online cash games, enabling you to engage with multiple players simultaneously in real-time.

Where can I see how to play a game?


The regulations for each game can be found within the website and are shown prior to commencing the game. Teenpatti Adda games are simple to grasp, featuring an enjoyable tutorial for each game accessible via its website. For additional information and guidelines on each game, please explore the Help Section.

How do online real cash games like Teenpatti Adda ensure fair play?


There are many steps we have taken to ensure fairplay in all our online money games at Teenpatti Adda. RNG certification is one important step which ensures randomization of numbers generated in games where dice or cards are involved.

I am under 18 years. Can I still play games on Teenpatti Adda?


Players under 18 years are typically not allowed to participate in real money games for legal and regulatory reasons. This is to ensure that participants are of a legal age to engage in such activities.



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Here are our FAQ’s

How do I play real money-earning games?


To play real money-earning games, register with "Teenpatti Adda" app. Once registered, create an account, browse through the available games, and choose the one that piques your interest. Then, put your skills and strategies to the test, compete against other players, and stand a chance to win real money prizes. Teenpatti Adda offers a variety of skill-based games for you to enjoy while earning money. Get started today and turn your gaming passion into a lucrative endeavor!

Do I need a Facebook account to Play Games?


No, you do not need a Facebook account to play games on our platform. You can simply sign up directly on our app or website and start enjoying the games without the need for a Facebook account. We offer a hassle-free gaming experience for all users.

I am not receiving the OTP. Is phone number verification mandatory?


Yes, phone number verification is mandatory for several important reasons. It helps to ensure that the user is authentic and that there is a real person behind the account. This verification process is crucial, especially in real money games where real currency is involved. It adds a layer of security, prevents fraudulent activities, and helps maintain the integrity of the platform. By confirming the user's phone number, it becomes easier to track and verify the identity of the players, ensuring a fair and trustworthy gaming environment. It also helps in sending important information, updates, and OTPs for added security during transactions and account recovery processes.

Can I play one-on-one games with my friends?


We understand your desire to play with your friends, and we are actively striving to implement this feature in the near future. Presently, our platform hosts multiplayer online cash games, enabling you to engage with multiple players simultaneously in real-time.

Where can I see how to play a game?


The regulations for each game can be found within the website and are shown prior to commencing the game. Teenpatti Adda games are simple to grasp, featuring an enjoyable tutorial for each game accessible via its website. For additional information and guidelines on each game, please explore the Help Section.

How do online real cash games like Teenpatti Adda ensure fair play?


There are many steps we have taken to ensure fairplay in all our online money games at Teenpatti Adda. RNG certification is one important step which ensures randomization of numbers generated in games where dice or cards are involved.

I am under 18 years. Can I still play games on Teenpatti Adda?


Players under 18 years are typically not allowed to participate in real money games for legal and regulatory reasons. This is to ensure that participants are of a legal age to engage in such activities.

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